Our Vision

At Agyeya (Sanskrit अज्ञेय; meaning "Beyond Knowledge"), we envision a world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and innovation are accessible to all and have the power to transform society. We are committed to advancing the frontiers of knowledge and driving progress through groundbreaking research and discovery. At the same time, we believe in democratizing and lowering the barrier to entering AI research. We aim to train the next generation of AI researchers by encouraging them to explore and innovate within these fields.

From working on fundamental AI research to developing new workshop programs for underrepresented groups in STEM, the Agyeya is at the forefront of training the next generation of AI students with the main focus on:

  • Enhancing conceptual understanding: teaching future researchers the fundamental concepts, techniques, and applications of AI and ML, fostering a stronger foundation.
  • Practical application: engage in hands-on activities, projects, and case studies to develop practical skills in AI programming, algorithm development, and data analysis.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving: encouraging researchers to think critically, analyze complex problems, and devise innovative AI solutions that address real-world challenges.
  • Ethical considerations: promoting responsible AI research by highlighting ethical implications.
Giving a workshop on the basics of ML/AI to high-school students in a government school in India.